
  • Bunga Anjelia Permata Sari ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Tria Puspita Sari ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta


Latar Belakang: AKI di Surakarta 2018 terjadi penurunan 4,0% kasus tidak melebihi angka yang diharapkan 52,28%, AKB di Surakarta tahun 2018 menunjuk angka 3,2%. Puskesmas Banyuanyar pada ibu hamil dengan 666 jiwa, persalinan 636 jiwa dan kelahiran bayi 606 jiwa. Upaya untuk menindak lanjuti AKI dan AKB menggunakan pendekatan Contynuity Of Care (COC). Tujuan: Untuk melaksanakan asuhan kebidanan komprehensif pada Ny. N dari kehamilan, persalinan, BBL, nifas dan KB di Puskesmas Banyuanyar. Metode Penelitian: Desain penelitian digunakan Case Study Research (Studi Kasus). Pengumpulan data pada metode penelitian menggunakan, observasi, wawancara, pemeriksaan, dan pendokumentasian. Subjek Ny. N G2P1A0 usia 28 tahun tempat penelitian Puskesmas Banyuanyar, waktu 11 Maret sampai 27 Mei 2022. Hasil: Asuhan Kehamilan Ny. N usia 28 tahun G2P1A0 dengan standa asuhan 10T. Selama kehamilan Ny. N mengalami keluhan nyeri punggung dan kesemutan.  Asuhan untuk mengatasi keluhan dengan bodi mekanik. Asuhan persalinan dengan KPD ditolong oleh bidan Kala I selama 7 jam dengan metode balon kateter da  induksi, kala 2 selama 12 menit ditemukan perenium kaku dilakukan episiotomy dan lilitan tali pusat, kala 3 selama 8 menit perdarahan ±50cc, pemantauan kala 4 selama 2 jam normal. Selama nifas kunjungan sesuai standar 4 kali keluhan mules, asuhan diberikan tentang involusi uteri dan jahitan terbuka, diberikan terapi salep bioplacenton® dan personal hygine. Asuhan BBL sesuai standar kunjungan 3 kali ditemukan masalah pusar menonjol,  Asuhan dengan menjaga kebersihan pusar dan asuhan lain yang dibutuhkan. Pada asuhan KB Ny. N memilih KB suntik progestin setelah menstruasi. Simpulan: Selama pendampingan, peneliti memberikan asuhan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan klien sehingga masalah dapat teratasi dan tidak ditemukan kesenjangan.

Background: AKI in Surakarta 2018 saw a decrease of 4.0% of cases not exceeding the expected figure of 52.28%, AKB in Surakarta in 2018 pointed to a figure of 3.2%. Banyuanyar Health Center in pregnant women with 666 people, delivery of 636 people and birth of 606 babies. Efforts to follow up on AKI and AKB using the Contynuity Of Care (COC) approach Purpose: To carry out comprehensive obstetric care for Mrs. N from pregnancy, childbirth, BBL, puerperium and birth control at the Banyuanyar Health Center. Research Methods: The research design used Case Study Research (Case Study). Data collection on research methods using, observation, interviews, examinations, and documentation Result: Pregnancy Care Mrs. N aged 28 years G2P1A0 with a standard of 10T care. During pregnancy Mrs. N experienced complaints of back pain and tingling Upbringing to overcome complaints with the mechanical body. Childbirth care with KPD was helped by kala I midwives for 7 hours with the catheter balloon method and induction, when 2 for 12 minutes it was found that stiffenium was carried out episiotomy and umbilical cord winding, time 3 for 8 minutes bleeding ±50cc, monitoring kala 4 for 2 normal hours. During the puerperium visit according to the standard 4 times complaints of mules, care was given about uterine involution and open stitches, given bioplacenton® ointment therapy and personal hygine. BBL upbringing according to the standard of 3 visits found prominent navel problems. BBL care was carried out according to standard visits 3 times, it was found that the problem of the navel was prominent, the care was by maintaining the cleanliness of the navel and providing other needed care. In the care of KB Mrs. N chose progestin injection contraception after menstruation.Conclusion: During the mentoring, the researcher has provided care that is in accordance with the client's needs so that problems can be resolved and no gaps are found in theory and practice.

Author Biographies

Bunga Anjelia Permata Sari, ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta


Tria Puspita Sari, ITS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta






